It'll take him four hours to do one hand. He then photographs it for posterity. I cannot imagine how he does it, the eyes are so remarkably lifelike. It took him 10 hours to do the two-handed Eagle.
I am a bit odd. I grew up in the rural mountains of North Georgia & our Granny & Papa were always within shouting distance. Lunch was dinner, & dinner was supper. Blackberry cobbler was a frequent special from our berry pickin' trips with Papa. We went out family-visiting each Sunday, Sunday dinner at my great-grandmother's house with all the extended family present. We were dirt poor but we were also rich! We played outside til dark or Mom called us. We had a scrap wood fort built just beyond the tree line, using old pallets Papa brought home. My brothers & I would race our bikes through trails. Big bro always won! Papa would take us fishing or for walks through the woods & occasionally taught us about the plants & their uses while plucking a leaf here or there & popping it in his mouth to chew on. I was exposed to rich culture early in life & flourished. I have been married to a great man for almost 30 years & we have 4 children, all adults now (2 boys/2 girls). I'm a nurse & I love it! Life is difficult at times but it has definitely changed for the best over the years & I thank God for it every day!
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